by Spiritual Guide Stacie Overman | May 28, 2017 | Stacies' Thought's
Call upon Muriel whenever your emotions need to get under control. This angel has a magnificent ray color of pearlescent. Some of you my be like me and see sparkly lights in our peripheral vision. Or when it is total black out and you can actual see what looks like...
by Spiritual Guide Stacie Overman | May 13, 2017 | Stacies' Thought's
Join us in my FREE FB Group ➡️ Understanding Divine Messages for more.
by Spiritual Guide Stacie Overman | May 12, 2017 | Stacies' Thought's
Calling all near death experience survivors who are experiencing things they can’t explain. I am a NDE…cancer survivor actually, and when I began to awaken it was crazy! I could feel and see things that no one else could see, I had a heighten sense of...
by Spiritual Guide Stacie Overman | May 10, 2017 | Stacies' Thought's
Tonight is the Flower Moon! This moon props us to release of this heavy emotional baggage you are carrying. If you feel there is anything holding you back from growing into your highest potential, the moon’s energy supports you in releasing it. Are you ready...
by Spiritual Guide Stacie Overman | May 3, 2017 | Stacies' Thought's
Are you a Survivor? Have you been experiencing things you are having a hard time explaining? i.e.: feeling others emotions, hearing voices in your head sharing something about someone – like you should tell them, maybe evening seeing loved ones that have...