Angel Muriel

Angel Muriel

Call upon Muriel whenever your emotions need to get under control. This angel has a magnificent ray color of pearlescent. Some of you my be like me and see sparkly lights in our peripheral vision. Or when it is total black out and you can actual see what looks like...
7 Steps to Heal

7 Steps to Heal

Are you a Survivor? Have you been experiencing things you are having a hard time explaining?  i.e.: feeling others emotions, hearing voices in your head sharing something about someone – like you should tell them, maybe evening seeing loved ones that have...
Angel Ambriel

Angel Ambriel

How you can call upon the angel for May to help you with truth and clarity. I hope this helps you understand how to ask for angelic help, not only for the month of May for but any day. Let me know what you thought of the video. Do you have questions? Please let me...
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