
angels among us with stacie overman BY KERRY McQUISTEN News@TheBakerCountyPress.com

Angels. They come straight from the pages of the Bible, exist in some form or another in most major religions, and are the subjects of countless books and movies. Stacie Overman, an ordained minister, says these celestial beings are very real, present among us, guiding and helping—and she is able to help get their messages across to those in need. Overman said, “It is hard to imagine how much love the divine have for each of us. Some people never hear anyone say to them, ‘You are loved.’ It is such a wonderful thing to be on the telephone or messenger to be able to let them know that they truly are loved.” If Overman seems familiar to readers, it’s because she appeared for two seasons, along with husband Larry, on the hit SyFy television show “Ghost Mine,” which was filmed locally just outside Sumpter. Overman has worked in and around the entertainment industry for decades, appearing in commercials, casting, and even co-hosting a radio show. After “Ghost Mine,” Larry Overman went on to appear in another show, “Dirty Rotten Survival,” which airs on the National Geographic Channel. Prior to that, in 2006, Overman squared off against breast cancer, which is a key experience that changed her life, sending her down what she calls a more spiritual path. After “Ghost Mine” wrapped up, she met a lady who mentored her.

Overman said of her mentor, “She helped me tremendously to understand the things I had been experiencing since I was a little kid. However, during my battle with cancer those things increased. Hearing voices, seeing things that were not there. Knowing stuff I just shouldn’t know. Feeling other people’s pain and suffering.” Such claims naturally draw both skeptics and believers alike to Overman—either just fine with her. Those holding more fundamentalist religious beliefs often fall into the skeptic category. However, it could be pointed out that several verses of scripture detail angelic communication on earth. Then there’s Corinthians, which discusses spiritual gifts from God—and still other scripture discussing false gifts from the “other guy.” angels among us_stacie overman_angelic psychic mediumExploring this topic full of contrasts definitely makes for interesting conversation. “I used to belong to a Christian church for all of my life—speaking in church and attending Bible study for years,” she said. Overman parted ways with the more “organized” part of her religion about four years back, looking for a “stronger walk with God” that better served her. From a Christian point of view Lucifer is said to disguise himself as an angel of light—but in Overman’s experience, the difference between good and evil is clear to sense. “It (evil) feels totally different from good,” she explained. “I protect myself with prayer asking for God’s white light to surround my client and myself. I ask that only love and light to enter in.” Overman said she has experienced times when “the dark side” made its presence known. She said, “Again I always protect myself to block it out. I also call upon Archangel Michael as a protector to help if I feel it is needed.” Primarily, people aren’t looking for advice on good versus evil when they come to Overman, though. She said, “Most people come to me wanting to connect with a loved one. Maybe they never got to say goodbye or they just need to understand that their loved one is okay. Some come for guidance to get insight on their soul journey—and are they on the right track kind of thing. Many people just need to know that they are okay and that there is nothing they did that would ever make God stop loving them.” Overman said she doesn’t physically see angels—the experience is more like seeing them in her mind’s eye, or sensing them. Sometimes she’ll see a ray of color. “Sometimes I see sparkly lights in my peripheral vision as well. I also get chills and or really hot depending on whom I am working with,” she said. When an angelic presence makes itself known, Overman said she suddenly physically gets hot. Overman’s readings are filled with prayer, meditation and energy clearing, as well as simple conversation depending on the amount of time allotted and need of the client. She sometimes turns to themes on cards printed with angelic images when she needs to start focusing on a client’s particular situation. Sessions are often done via Skype, and last half an hour to an hour. Angels also take up quite a bit of Overman’s free time; she has recently begun painting them herself. She said, “I have wanted to learn how to paint for many years. Just a year ago I felt a calling to paint angels. I just knew that is what I was supposed to do. I have been teaching myself and learning as I go.” Her paintings currently go for between $100 and $250 on average. The paintings focus on specific angelic themes, such as healing or peace—and she believes the color schemes can be divinely inspired. Overman will hold a group session Saturday, September 24, 6 p.m. in the Geiser Grand Hotel on Main Street in Baker City. Group parties involve around six people and tend to last about four hours. The group gatherings give people time to visit and talk about spiritual topics with one another, as well as some one-on-one time with Overman for specific questions. Those skeptics and believers? All are welcome to attend and make up their own minds. The Overmans will both appear at the Wicked Ways Masquerade Ball at the Geiser Grand on Saturday, October 29, in the Library Room on the second floor. Spiritual guidance and angel merchandise will be in supply. A possible group event is also tentatively planned for September 23 in Sumpter. For more information, go to www.facebook.com/southernmediumstacieoverman or www.stacieoverman.com. Overman concluded, “I have always known I am here to help others. It has just taken me quit some time to figure out the best way to do that. Now I know I am exactly where I am supposed to be … I pray that every angelic divine reading will be a blessing. I am so honored if they feel drawn to come to me to be that telephone. I know how much my very first reading helped me heal after my late husband passed away so young. I knew if I could help others in that same way it was the least I could do during my time here on earth.”

 Thank you, Kerry, for such a wonderful article!

Blessings, Stacie

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